Humans of Williston
We all know the Humans of New York campaign. The photo-based website/Instagram phenomenon created by a New York City native, Brandon Stanton, has photographed and captured the lives of more than 5,000 people. His Instagram profile has more than 2.5 million followers and uploads more than two portraits a day. All of his portraits contain a quote from the person that contain some sort of influential or interesting phrase.
Our plan is to bring a microscopic version of his idea to Williston through a unique collaboration between iWilliston and The Willistonian. We aim to capture the lives of Williston’s students and all of their unique interests, hobbies, and features. Representing diversity has always been one of Williston’s main values. With this unique project we aim to exemplify our diverse community.
The project will officially commence in Trimester 3. You’ll start to see brief portraits on the iWilliston blog and an in-depth interview, videos, photos, and other extras on The Willistonian website. Make sure to keep your eye out for Humans of Williston—you never know when you or your friends could be featured!
iWilliston will be collecting nominations for this campaign. If you or someone you know on the Williston campus has a particularly interesting and unique trait, and you think they’d make a good Human of Williston candidate, please let us know by completing this form.

Julia Wise and Jess Wendelken, best friends.
What was the scariest moment of your life?
Jess: “Me and Julia got lost in the woods when it was really snowy once and the snow was really deep and we fell into a river and I lost my boot.”
Julia: “We were miles away from her house and we were in like five feet of snow.”
Jess: “It was pitch black out and we didn’t have our phones.”
Julia: “We were gone for like four hours and her dad started a search party for us. It was pretty scary.”
What was the happiest moment of your life?
Jess: “For me it was when I met my birth mom.”
Julia: “For me, I think it was when my parents got remarried, my mom got remarried to my stepdad.”
Who is the most inspirational person that you know?
Jess: “Julia. She’s my best friend and she always helps me when I need inspiration for anything.”
Julia: “Mines definitely my aunt. She’s like the coolest lady I know. She travels all over the world for her job and works for the government and teaches. She goes to poor communities and civilizations and teaches them how to run a government and she knows all of the different religions like Buddhism. She’s just super chill and I love her.”
A version of this article appears in the March 2015 print edition.