Is Covid “Over?”
Since the beginning of 2020, the entire world has been flipped on its side due to the rampant spread of Covid-19. However now that there are fewer cases and worldwide fear has slightly subsided, people are still wondering how much they still need to worry about these issues.
During the peak of Covid, while public schools in the area were completely remote, Williston made numerous adjustments in order to stay open. These included weekly testing a completely different schedule for all classes, mandatory masking, and desk spacing. Changes also included shorter classes, more free time, and longer lunches. There was one point where we had to be spaced by plastic dividers and masks at all times, including sporting events like daily practices and games.
However, all of the extra help and support students received was not always to their benefit. During the pandemic, all students ranging from elementary school to high school showed a declining trend in their grades, according to U.S. News.
“An overwhelming majority of states saw significant score declines among fourth- and eighth-graders in math and reading between 2019 and 2022, with students posting the largest score declines ever recorded in math, according to new federal data that provides the most comprehensive evaluation to date of the impact of the pandemic on academic achievement,” the article explained.
Now that Covid is slowing down, the hope is, of course, that these issues will begin to remedy themselves. But can we truly see improvement if our community is still scared that the pandemic may hit us again?
According to a senior day student Lucy Latham, Covid, now that all students and faculty are vaccinated and boosted, is comparable to other viruses that we are more prepared to deal with, but not quite in the rearview yet.
“I don’t think Covid is done,” said Lucy. “China went in lockdown and there are still cases here [in the United States] but people aren’t worried about Covid as much … now it’s more like the flu, and now when I go out I don’t wear a mask anymore.”
Greta Saxe and Connor Queenin, two day students, believe Covid can still pose a threat to elderly or immunocompromised family members. They spoke to how there are still a few people testing positive so Covid can’t really be over, however thoughts of catching Covid are much less prominent now, in their opinion.