Million Women’s March Set for January 21
Protester holds up sign at Baltimore rally.
The outcome of the 2016 presidential election was unexpected and controversial, and has fueled protests of all sizes. While there have been protests in local areas around the Williston campus, including demonstrations in Springfield and Northampton, many large movements are growing in cities around the country such as Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, and Washington, D.C.
The largest protest is scheduled for January 21st. Right after President-elect Trump gets inaugurated, thousands of protesters are traveling to Washington, D.C. to walk to the White House and protest against the new president.
Called the “Million Women’s March” or the “Nasty Women March,” many women from all over the country are working with the chief organizer, Bob Bland, to peacefully demonstrate against President-elect Trump.
Bland told The Washington Post on November 14th, “We welcome our male allies. We want this to be as inclusive as possible while acknowledging that it’s okay to have a women-centered march.”
Many women feel negatively towards Trump, especially after his controversial comments about sexually harassing women, and many women coming forward with claims that the President-elect sexually assaulted them. Despite these comments, Mr. Trump pulled away with the victory.
The outcome of the election has strongly influenced protests and riots, but Bland claims that this demonstration will remain peaceful. In fact, Bland told The Washington Post that the rally was not going to be anti-Trump, but more pro-woman.
Bland said, “I look forward to the positive tone of this march. Obviously we are in a period of time right now where there is a lot of anti-Trump sentiment, but this is positive.” Bland continued, “The people that have been targeted, we need to converge together, to show that we are strong and we have a voice—and we are going to move forward in the future and make sure these voices are heard.”
Molly Solan, a sophomore at Williston, won’t be able to attend the march but is “optimistic about the impact this will have on Trump. I think that after the protest, he’ll see that he can’t just forget about the women.”
Many Facebook pages have already started popping up to help transport women from states all over the country to come together in Washington DC.
In fact, The New York Times reported that many organizers are “suggesting to be quick about reserving hotel accommodations in Washington, D.C. for the weekend. Hotel rooms are already expected to be limited thanks to the inauguration the day before, so reserving ASAP is advised.”
Solan hopes to organize an event like the “Million Women’s March” one day. “It’s a really cool thing to see so many strong women together, talking about issues that are important. I really hope to be a part of one.”
Ellie Wolfe is a senior from Northampton Massachusetts. In her free time, she enjoys going for runs and hanging out with her friends, and runs The Willistonian...