Mr. Porter Shines in Many Campus Roles

Coach Porter
If you’ve ever walked past Sawyer Field and wondered who the big guy yelling at players is, you’ve experienced Mr. Porter
Matt Porter is a first year teacher, coach, adviser, and dorm parent here at Williston. A Trinity College class of 2016 alum, Mr. Porter teaches psychology, coaches varsity football as well as track, and will be assisting with athletic performance throughout the winter.
Coming to Williston was a pretty easy decision for Porter. He believed that the community here was a close-knit one, a sentiment many students would agree with.
Fresh out of college, Porter has been put into a lot of new roles at Williston.
Porter says, “The change from student to teacher has been a very interesting one,” Porter said. “I think I can connect with students a little more but it is a big difference being in front of a class rather than being the one taking notes.”
Being a younger teacher doesn’t quite intimidate him as much as it allows for closer connections. “I think students are little more comfortable talking to me with certain things because I am closer to them in age,” he said.
Porter enjoys both teaching and coaching. “I get to learn the most about all of the kids in these aspects of the job the most. Coaching and teaching go hand in hand because the main goal is to prepare you for life after this,” he said.
When he isn’t teaching or coaching, Porter likes to spend his time watching various sports on TV and down on Sawyer Field. He also enjoys watching all kinds of movies and getting a good work out in when he can.
Porter’s biggest role model in life has been his father. “He has been an underdog in life and always persevered,” he said. “He has always pushed me to be the best I can and be a loving, respectful, and caring man. Although we have never lived together, he has been a huge rock in my life.”
Coach Porter is a big presence on campus and currently lives in John Wright Dorm.
Hunter Adams is a 6 year senior and boarding student, from Palmer, Massachusetts. Hunter enjoys writing about sports and campus activities. He spends much...