New Broomball Champion Crowned

Williston has for the first time ever crowned a champion in a new sport: Broomball.

The cutthroat games in the first Annual Broomball Tournament began on Jan. 30 and continued on each weekend until Feb. 20, when the championship was held. Teams consisted of six to ten students, coed, with no more than three varsity hockey players per team. These guidelines allowed for the production of interesting groups,  each with different levels of athletic and age ranges.

The 10 teams competing were: The Brooklyn Bankins, Bostom Broomins, Super Sweepers, The Skating Whales, Gronkerangers, Broom Roasted, The Mud Dogs, The BMS Goats, Puck Bunnies, and the Lumberjacks. Each team played eight games in total lasting 20 minutes each, styled in a round robin fashion to allow for fair playing time.

Erin Davey, Assistant Dean of Students and Wildest Cats Director, explained that the idea started during last year’s Winter Willympics, and everyone loved it.

“We wanted to bring it back this year, due to popular demand,” Davey said. “By making the games into a league, it allowed us to stretch the games over periods of time, hopefully giving students a nice break from their busy schedules.”

Spectator Caroline Hodges, of Lincoln Mass, found the games to be quite enjoyable.

“The games were super fun,” she said. “It was funny to watch because a lot of people were falling.”

On the other hand, Isabelle Ireland, sophomore from Guildford Conn., went out of her comfort zone to play broomball.

Isabelle was on The Skating Whales, who unfortunately were disqualified due to violations of school rules, but she made the best of her experience.

“I really enjoyed going to the games anyways to watch the games and cheer for my friends,” she said. “I am definitely going to remember that getting out of your social group and getting out of your room is to having and great weekend.”

Wildest Cats student leader Sonia Whitman contributed greatly off the ice. Sonia had the important task of timing each game while also being emcee.

She loved the school spirit that derived from this activity. “I had the most fun watching the individual games because there has not been spectators allowed at normal games, so this was an opportunity to see something competitive live.”  Sonia added that broomball, she felt, “brought the community together” in such a strange year.

Senior Alejandro Ruiz, from Mexico, agreed with Sonia and said “the soccer players in my team haven’t had a real game in a while and their excitement was phenomenal.”

The championship tournament was held on Saturday Feb. 20. Spectators and teammates lined the rink, cheering, listening to music, and sipping on hot cocoa.

The Lumberjacks were predicted to win, holding the most points out of the four final teams. They lost in a double over time shoot out to Broom Roasted, who then went on to play in the final game. The Mud Dogs prevailed over the Gronkerangers leaving them to contend against Broom Roasted.

The tension was tangible in the air as the two teams ended in a tie, resulting in an epic shoot out during which Alejandro lead his team to victory with his one, and only goal, of the entire shoot out.

Alejandro passionately remarked “the excitement and tension during the penalty shots was remarkable, kind of reminded me of the World Cup.”

“Scoring that goal for my teammates made me feel great, and giving them that goal repaid their effort, sweat, blood and tears for this team.” Alejandro said. “It felt good to be the one who began this intriguing journey and then the one to end it.”

Alejandro shared that the experience reminded him of competitions “I used to have when I was a kid, or the time I was coaching a kickball team of kids back in Mexico. It was a great experience and it was something I remember and miss dearly. Made me a better man, and having these experiences made me truly happy.”