Popular Music On Campus
Music surrounds people everywhere they go.
Music is a necessity in many people’s lives. Music brings different people together through different genres and it can be a real aid for those going through loss. It can also be a great motivator.
Malcolm Pullan from Kids Music Corner writes, “Music gets under your skin. It creates strong feelings. And it creates strong memories.” Pullan also mention that “every culture makes music. Not only that, every past culture has made music too.”
He notes that music has been around for a long time by saying that there are, flutes around 37,000 years old.
Around Williston’s campus there are many types of music that the students listen to. During the middle of the day musicals and pop songs stream out from Reed because the chorus is practicing. During pre-game warm-ups teams listen to rap and dance music to pump them up for their games. As a result Williston is a very musical campus.
Williston choral director, Joshua Harper, says, “Williston seems to prefer music that gets them ‘hyped’.”
Mr. Harper continues by saying, “There’s lots of music besides rap that you can get hyped to, but I think Rap is the ‘cool’ choice.”
Mr. Harper seems to be correct in saying that rap is the “cool choice”. A group of Williston students were asked what there favorite genre, singer, and song were. Rap and pop music tied as the top music choice on the Williston campus with 23% of students liking it. Dance (EDM) music followed at 16%.
Students also listen to other types of music including alternative, rock, classical, country, punk, and even jazz.
At Williston the most disliked type of music is country (45%) with heavy metal coming in second place (27%). Depending on someone’s mood, 70% of students agree that their choice in music fluctuates.
Williston is a diverse community and has a diverse music culture as well. Many students listen to all sorts of music. There is at least one person for every popular genre of music at Williston.