Hills Holiday, an annual gift from Mr. Hill to Williston, brings joy, spirit, and rest to the community,
Hills Holiday, also known as Heads Holiday, is an annual tradition at Williston where all students and faculty get a day off from Mr. Hill, the head of the school. Part of its specialty is that it is randomized so it would act like a gift: unexpected, exciting, and enjoyable. This year it was announced on Sunday night (Jan 26.) that the holiday would fall on Monday (Jan 27.).
When it is announced, Mr. and Mrs. Hill send out a cover-up email to all of Williston, generally around the middle of study hall, to build suspense. Students and faculty watch an attached video to finally reveal what we have all been waiting for, the official announcement of a Hills Holiday. Williston responds with cheer and excitement all around their dorms and homes.
Mel McCullough, a junior boarder, treated her day off like any other weekend.
“I slept in as much as I could” she said. “No classes, so no pressure to be up and ready at 8:30, then brunch/late breakfast with my friends. I then went to watch a movie with my friends and just spent time with them—it was basically how I would spend a Sunday where I have nothing to do. We then went out to dinner and got dressed up a little for fun.”
Mel continues to emphasize the joy of Hills Holiday by the fact that New England winters can be long and depressing, especially when homesick as a boarding student. Having a surprise break during a long week brightens up the mood for everyone. Additionally, the unpredictable factor of the holiday is one of her favorite things about it. If it weren’t, a lot of the fun would be taken out of the gifted holiday.
Alex Landon, a junior day student from Longmeadow, Mass., had a different approach to his day.
He woke up at around 9-10am and utilized that time to get a head start for the next school day on homework and studying. He pointed out that there is less of a social aspect for day students to Hills Holiday compared to boarders because it is an easier opportunity for students on campus to hang out with friends. Although, it was still a great day to relax and have relief about traffic and getting to school on time.
Funny enough, Alex and his advisory, led by Mr. Garvey, Director of Sports Medicine, predicted that the holiday was going to be on Monday (Jan. 27). This is also always a fun outcome of Hills Holiday, anticipating with your friends and peers and constantly checking emails for the official announcement of the holiday.
Ms. Vachet, the Director of Academic Support, also spent her Hills Holiday resting with comfy pajamas, catching up on her work, and drinking lots of coffee. However, she prefers a notice beforehand instead of the surprise.
“As an administrator, who needs to manage a lot of things on campus in Williston, I personally would like to know in advance, but I think sometimes Mr. Hill wants the surprise and be the gift giver and deliver that surprise” she said. “Having this holiday planned could also possibly not let students keep up with their work because they’ll just leave it on the day of Hills Holiday which would ruin the whole meaning of it which is to rest”.
Ms. Vachet adds the interesting and helpful detail for students that the reason why they announce the Hills Holiday after study hall is because they want all the students to finish their work and not worry and procrastinate for the actual holiday.
Now from the keeper of Hills Holiday, Mr. Hill, he wants students and faculty to spend the holiday to recharge and reset.
“It’s a chance for everyone to have an unexpected break in the winter routine, sleep in, catch up on work, or just relax with friends” he said. “When I began my career, I worked at Westminster School and it had been a tradition there, so, candidly, I brought a version to Williston.”
Mr. Hill gifted Williston with this holiday and hoped that the intention meets the moment and that everyone gets a little boost when transitioning to the third trimester.
As students and faculty appreciate this annual gift, there comes the question, how do you decide when you want to gift Williston a Hills Holiday? Do you randomly pick one or do you have to check with other faculty members?
“That’s like asking for the recipe for Coca Cola” he said.