The Super Bowl study hall last week proved it’s possible to change our weekend study hall schedule.
Williston’s regular study hall, from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m., is for all students who are not seniors or PG with high honors. It’s very helpful for students to complete their homework and provides a dedicated time for them to focus. There are also the Math, English, and Science resource centers for students who need help in different classes during study hall.
On Super Bowl Sunday (Feb. 11), however, the school offered a 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. study hall so people could watch the game and not have to break to study. It’s not the first time that study hall has moved; Varsity sports already have modified study hall occasionally due to late practices.
Out of 11 students polled at the Super Bowl study hall, all 11 said that they would prefer making the change in time a permanent one.
AJ Songini, a junior, says by Sunday night, he’s had a long week and is finally ready to get some rest.
“When 8:00 rolls around on a Sunday, I’m getting ready for bed,” AJ said. “I don’t have the energy left for study hall.”
Beckett Collins, a junior water from Baltimore, believes that there should be a reward for working on your homework during the weekend, instead of waiting for Sunday night to get it done.
“I think it could be quiet hours on Sunday – instead of a formal study hall,” he said. “Some people do have a lot of homework and they do homework all weekend. If you’re doing your homework all weekend, you should be rewarded so you can actually get ahead on sleep.”
Tariq Thomas, a post-graduate from Springfield, Mass., said he is more motivated to work during daytime, and a Sunday 3:00 – 5:00 study hall would help.
“I feel like there’s nothing to do during the day, so you’d be more engaged to do your work,” he said. “If you have a lot of homework, instead of staying up from 11:00-1:00 a.m., you’d be staying up from 3:00-5:00 and have time on Sunday nights.”
MattieByrd McHold, the library director who spends most nights at the library during study hall hours, likes the idea but feels it would need modifications.
“The time of it is fine but the location is not the best, there are too many people in one room,” she said, referring to the Super Bowl study hall, held in the middle school. “I think the library could have been a very good location. I don’t think anybody knew how many people were coming.”
McHold believes that no one has had the idea to change it, but she believes that there could be more pros than cons if the change was made.
“I think it could be possible, but the big issue is who is going to staff it,” she said. “When you bring everybody in one place, it is harder to manage, but I do think there are benefits.”
Sleep, notably, is one of those.
Nicole Chambers, Dean of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, believes sleep is crucial to get ready for a heavy week ahead.
“I think it is a compelling argument,” she said. “I think that to set yourself up for a productive week you need rest.”
Katherine Garrity, Associate Dean of Students, thinks a changed Sunday study hall would ultimately take away precious social time students need on the weekend.
“That would mean we can’t do any off-campus trips on Sunday afternoon,” she said. “It takes away all your social Sunday time, if you have study hall 3:00-5:00 and then quiet hours 8-10, it would be a lot more time in the dorm. I don’t think students would like it.”