Yoga Can Help Students Wind Down
Acro yoga pose.
If you’re having a tough day and want to relax, yoga can do the trick.
Some students, like junior Shana Hecht, believe yoga is an important part of daily life.
“I think yoga will loosen [students’] minds mentally and physically,” she said. “It will teach kids at Williston to take a break out of their stressful classes.”
If you do not know how to do yoga, it is simple to participate during the winter by signing up for winter fitness and wellness.
Ms. Brousseau is a fan of students engaging in health and wellness activities in the dorms. “In the past, dorms have done yoga, Tae Bo, and relaxation sessions as regular dorm activities,” she said. “It’s a great idea.”
Williston offers yoga in the winter fitness and wellness program, Ms. Brousseau added.
According to Valley Hot Yoga, a local yoga studio in Easthampton, yoga can help people grow mentally and physically, and yoga’s breathing techniques can help people relax and help build muscle.
“Yoga can teach you how to be mindful and gives you time to connect with your mind and body,” said Ayn Toppin at Valley Hot Yoga. She also said yoga can be a great exercise and help with weight loss.
Williston students in Mem West believe yoga can be an important part of student life.
Junior Katie Most said, ” Yoga is very relaxing and can take my mind of school.”
Brooke Smith is a junior from Boca Raton, Florida. In her free time she enjoys hanging out with her friends and family.