YouTuber David Dobrik Tied to Sexual Assault Case

[Editor’s Note: This article contains references to sexual assault.]
David Dobrik, famous and controversial YouTuber, is under scrutiny for alleged instances of sexual assault in — and behind the scenes of — his popular vlogs.
One of the allegations, which came to light in February, involve a former ‘Vlog Squad’ member, Dom Zeglaitis, according to Business Insider. The vlog, posted in November, 2018, involves a group of female fans in a video about group sex.
During the shoot, an extra was allegedly raped by Dobrik’s partner, Dom Zeglaitis, while she was drunk and unable to consent, Business Insider reported.
Dobrik a 24-year old immigrant that grew famous through his unique style of creating short videos, is also under investigation for a 2017 prank during which a costar of his, Seth Francois, was forced to kiss a man when he only consented to kissing a woman.
Dobrik’s social media career began in 2014; as of right now, Dobrik has 18.5 million subscribers on YouTube with eight billion views, and 26 million followers on TikTok. His appeal derives from his short vlogs, which can be compared to movie trailers. Residing in Los Angles, Dobrik was often found at the height of his career collaborating with all types of celebrities, which eventually made him one as well.
According to the New York Times, Dobrik has lost 13 business collaborations because of inappropriate incidents similar to the one discussed: brands like Chipotle, Seat Geek, EA Sports, and many others have cut ties. Dobrik is not under legal charges yet. Zeglaitis, his partner in the controversial videos, is facing charges for intoxicating a minor and sexual assault.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month is April which brings light to those lost, victims, and survivors of sexual assault in America.
The accuser, who was 20 at the time of the assault, says she gave no consent to the actions taken that night, and only allowed for Dobrik’s vlog to be posted out of fear.
Dobrik released a video on March 16 in which he said, ““There’s also been moments where I’ve looked back on videos, and I realize that these don’t represent me anymore, and they’re hurtful to other people, and I don’t want them up because I’ve grown as a content creator and as a person.”
“Consent,” he added, “is something that’s super, super important” to him. “And I don’t agree with some of the videos I’ve posted.”
In another video on March 23, Dobrik said he “fully believes the woman who came forward with the allegation against Zeglaitis.
Junior, Anna Jofre, says she was once a fan of Dobrik’s, but after following along with what has been happening has changed this opinion.
“I think consent is [not] something anyone can truly disagree with,” she said.
Poppy Deluzuriaga, of Wenham, Mass., is shocked that Dobrik, someone she looked up to for so long, is not who she believed he was.
“I guess I just used to like him because it seemed that he was so successful and did so many good things for people,” she explained. “I always thought that I wanted people to look at me how they look at him, now I am not so sure about that.”
At Williston consent is, gratefully, not a widespread issue the deans are faced with.
Kathryn Noble, Dean of Students, and in charge of the disciplinary committee, normally makes a presentation about consent laws in Massachusetts at the annual begging of the year assembly in the form of a light-hearted stop motion video.
This year however, there was no assembly due to Covid. Nonetheless, Noble emphasized, “we let everyone know the rules here and are very clear about the rules regarding the state laws.”
According to, state laws declare that no child under 16 can consent in any way.
Williston also integrates consent into the 9th grade program, Core, led by Katherine Garrity, Assistant Dean of Students.
“Consent comes up when talking about healthy and unhealthy relationships,” Garrity explained. “It is very important for students to understand both the laws surrounding the issue and what consent really looks like in real life,” she highlighted.
From her own personal experience, as an international student seeing both American and Japanese culture, junior Minami Ogino said she’s seen noticeable differences between Japan and the States regarding the issue.
“Recently I feel that people are more aware of consent, especially in the United States,” Minami said. “Everyone seems to be more aware of their identity, their choices, and their rights in this country.”
At home in Tokyo, Japan, “consent is swept under the rug and is not favorable to say out loud.”